Vacancy: Research Associate at the Orient-Institut Istanbul – Digital Health and Self-Tracking in Turkey

Vacancy:  Research Associate at the Orient-Institut Istanbul – Digital Health and Self-Tracking in Turkey The Orient-Institut Istanbul is currently seeking a doctoral or post-doctoral researcher to…

WorldCafé: Quo vadis Human, Transhuman, Posthuman?

The STS TURKEY coordination team is co-organizing the WorldCafé which deals with the leading question Quo vadis Human, Transhuman, Posthuman? with Middle East Technical University, Department of…

Impressions from #stsdiaspora panel @easst2018

Here are some impressions from our panel “Colliding theories, cultures, and futures. STS view(s) beyond the horizon. Or: STS diaspora” at the EASST 2018 conference “Meetings – Making Science,…

STS TURKEY 2018 Conference Information

Thank you for your interest in STS TURKEY…

STS Concepts and Terms Dictionary in Turkish

We happily announce that we are currently up and doing a STS Concepts and Terms Dictionary (English-Turkish). In order to make it as participatory as possible, we created a Google Group called "STS…

STS TURKEY 2018 Conference 10.-11.09.2018

STS TURKEY 2018 Conference will take…

CfP: Science and Technology on the Silk Road: Past and Present Practices, Future Perspectives in Turkey

CfP: Science and Technology on the Silk Road: Past and Present Practices, Future Perspectives in Turkey Deadline: January 15, 2018 Turkologentag 2018: 3rd European Convention on Turkic, Ottoman &…

Methodology Lab: Grounded Theory Methodology and computer-assisted analysis with ATLAS.ti

In 2018, Dr. Melike Şahinol (Orient-Institut Istanbul) organized a methodology lab in which research projects were presented and discussed. In particular, it dealed with the methodological…

STS TURKEY meets DASTS: Report

Report on the visit to Aalborg University, Techno-Anthropology Lab (TANT-lab) and Center for Medical Science and Technology, Copenhagen University: In the course of the founding of STS TURKEY, the…