Recent Updates and Welcoming Our New Coordinator
We would like to release a brief welcoming message on behalf of the Turkish network for Science and Technology Studies (STS TURKEY).
Erkan Saka, associate professor of media and journalism studies and the Head of the Media Department of Istanbul Bilgi University, is currently affiliated with the coordination team of STS TURKEY to provide support in line with the mission of STS TURKEY.
Despite the uncertainty and roughness of 2020, we are thrilled to work together for our upcoming activities. You can access the recent updates about all of the coordinators of STS TURKEY via this link.
#STSTURKEY2020 Postponement of the Conference Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
Due to the current extraordinary circumstances, STS TURKEY 2020 Conference which was planned to take place in October by STS TURKEY, Ankara University Science and Society Studies Program and Konya Science Center, is postponed to a later date. Evaluation process for the submitted abstractions has started and related announcements will be made.
We will continue to share updates and current status related to the conference through all our communications channels, especially our social media accounts.
We hope you are staying healthy and safe.
#STSTURKEY2020 Deadline Extended for Abstract Submission
Regarding the precautions taken for the Covid-19 pandemic; the deadline for abstract submission of STS TURKEY 2020 Conference, that is planned to take place at Konya Science Center between 14-20 October, is updated as of 30 April 2020.
The third annual meeting is organized by STS TURKEY, Ankara University Science and Society Studies Program and Konya Science Center. Call for papers and details related to the conference can be found in Turkish webpage.
Workshop: Experimental Pedagogies in Science, Technology and Society
January 13, 2020, Bilkent University, Faculty of Engineering
Organized by Emine Öncüler Yayalar (Bilkent University) and Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu (METU)
Outcomes of the workshop were covered by Bilkent News.
Session I: Emerging technologies and new spaces for re-thinking
engaged learning
Erkan Saka, Bilgi University: Applicability of Transmedia approaches to Education through New media and Gamification Usage
Diler Öner, Bogazici University: Developing Complex Thinking with Virtual Internships
Session II: Applied Experiments in STS Pedagogies
Melike Şahinol, Orient Institute : A Journey through the Syllabus Qualitative Approaches in STS: Cyborgs and Technobodies
Robin Downey, Bilkent University: Applying Responsible Research and Innovation: Student Field Notes from a Nanotechnology Center Visit
Session III: Science Communication Beyond the Classroom
Roundtable moderated by Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu, ODTU
Özlem Ak, TUBITAK, Özlem Ekici, TUBITAK. Sevinç Gelmez Burakgazi, Hacettepe University and Eric Deibel, Bilkent University
STS TURKEY Science, Technology and Society Winter School 2020
As the Turkish Scholarly Network for Science and Technology Studies, one of the objectives of STS TURKEY is to increase the visibility of STS in Turkey by promoting relevant field research and training activities. Regarding the aim of conveying basic STS theoretical frameworks, concepts and related discussions at introductory-level, last January, we organized our first Winter School supported by Orient-Institut in Istanbul.
The second STS TURKEY Science, Technology and Society Winter School will be held on 14-16 January 2020 at METU Design Factory, Ankara. The Winter School supported by Bilkent University and METU Design Factory will provide 10 lectures by senior researchers and professors from different disciplines within three days, and will be completed with a half-day discussion, where the participants come up their current research subjects. The lectures will be held in English or Turkish based on the title of the lecture.
The list of lectures and trainers is provided below.
STS ve Siyaset Çalışmaları
Asli Çalkıvik, Asst. Prof., Dr., Istanbul Technical University (ITU)
Digital Anthropology. Cases from Ethnographic Approaches to Algorithms and Blockchain Studies
Erkan Saka, Assoc. Prof., Dr., Bilgi University
Responsible Research and Innovation
Robin Ann Downey, Dr., Lecturer, Bilkent University
Teknolojinin Toplumsal İnşası
Emine Öncüler Yayalar, Dr., Lecturer, Bilkent University
STS’de Niteliksel Yöntemler ve Nitel Veri Analizi
Melike Şahinol, Dr., Orient-Institut Istanbul
Disiplinlerarası Çalışmalar
Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu, Asst. Prof., Dr., Middle East Technical University (METU)
Etki Analizi
Teoman Pamukçu, Prof. Dr., Middle East Technical University (METU)
Biopolitics / Actor Network Theory
Eric Deibel, Dr., Lecturer, Bilkent University
Kadim Birliktelik: Bilimin Ekonomik Boyutu
Muhsin Doğan, Dr., Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV)
Feminist STS
Şafak Kılıçtepe, Dr., Independent Researcher
Organizers: Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu, Şafak Kılıçtepe, Emine Öncüler Yayalar, Melike Şahinol
Supporters: Bilkent Üniversitesi, ODTÜ Tasarım Fabrikası
#STSTURKEY2019 Exhibition: Cyborg Encounters
As part of the second gathering of STS TURKEY Science and Technology Studies Conference to be taken place at Istanbul Technical University Ayazaga Campus between September 10-12, this year's event will also provide artistic medium for the current discussions in science and technology studies.
Graduate students of Özyeğin University Design, Technology and Society program, are going to exhibit their artworks that have been produced within the 'Cyborgs and Technobodies' course supervized by Dr. Melike Şahinol.
Intention of the artworks can be found below.
Cyborg Encounters
Contributors: Ayşe Melis Okay, Beyza Dilem Toptal, Burak Kaynar, Burak Taşdizen, Umut Özöver, Öykü Sorgun, Pelin Günay
‘Cyborg Encounters’ offers an experience of a universe; in between past, present and future constituted of hybrids born from the coupling of humans and nonhumans, beyond species and genders. It lives in the duality of integrated circuits and feelings of monachopsis, defying the order of things.
As a placeless local, you will encounter sections from the cyborg universe. In this creation; cyborg is a political, poetic, living or inanimate, digital or mechanical intervention; with or without a body and flesh. In this exhibition, a narrative in which fiction and reality intertwine, cultivates the theories of the cyborg, feminist technoscience, human enhancements, laboratory studies and politics of disability/ability and artifacts.
‘Cyborg Encounters’ had emerged from the readings and discussions during the ‘Qualitative Approaches in STS: Cyborgs and Technobodies’ course lead by Dr. Melike Şahinol within 2018-2019 Academic Year Spring Term at Özyeğin University Design, Technology, and Society graduate program. Works at the exhibition are aiming to introduce the notion of cyborgs to the audience, by taking them on a journey through an imaginary cyborg universe. Referring to the literature in dialogue with the course sessions; each piece at the exhibition emphasizes the uniqueness and authenticity of the cyborgs' existence with the agency of art and design practices.
#STSTURKEY2019 Conference Program (in Turkish)
The second gathering of STS TURKEY 2019 Science and Technology Studies Conference will take place at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Ayazaga Campus between 10-12 September, hosted by ITU Master Program and the Department of Science, Technology and Society and the Department of Human and Society Sciences with the contributions of STS TURKEY Scholarly Network for Science and Technology Studies and Inventram.
Conference program has announced here, in Turkish.
Welcoming New Coordinators of STS TURKEY
To build up a Turkish network among researchers with interests in the social studies of science, technology and medicine in Turkish society, STS TURKEY welcomes its new coordinators.
Dr. Ali O. İlhan, assistant professor of Industrial Design and co-director of graduate studies of the interdisciplinary graduate program in Design, Technology, and Society at Ozyegin University and Dr. Emine Öncüler Yayalar, instructor of Science, Technology and Society courses at the Faculty of Engineering of Bilkent University are now affiliated with the coordination team of STS TURKEY to provide their support in line with the mission of STS TURKEY.
You can get further info about all of the coordinators of STS TURKEY via this link.
STS TURKEY 2018 Conference Review
A brief review indicating and evaluating the sessions of the STS TURKEY Conference 2018, that took place at METU Cultural and Convention Center, is completed.
You can directly access the review in Turkish via this link, and all materials related to the conference on the Turkish website.
The review is prepared by Levend Yucel, STS TURKEY member and graduate student at the Department of History, METU. We would like to thank to him for his contributions.