STS TÜRKİYE – METU UEAM : STS Meets Ethics Joint Conference
October 31 – November 2 2023
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STS Turkey Winter School 2022 List of Attendees
Attendees of the STS TURKEY Science, Technology and Society Winter School 2022, which will be held for the fourth time this year, have been announced. First of all, we appreciate all the interest and…
STS TURKEY Science, Technology and Society Winter School 2022
Organizers: STS TURKEY Coordination members (Erkan Saka, Emine Öncüler Yayalar, Melike Şahinol, Şafak Kılıçtepe, Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu, Ali O. İlhan) Supporters: Istanbul Bilgi University, New…
#STSTURKEY2021: Online Conference Reminders (Updated)
Following the latest consequences due to the pandemic, the upcoming STS TURKEY Conference is postponed. STS TURKEY Conference titled "Identity Construction as a Discipline" will take place online on…
STS Turkey Winter School 2021 List of Attendees
Attendees of STS TURKEY Science, Technology and Society Winter School 2021, which will be held for the third time this year, have been announced. First of all, we appreciate all the interest and…
Workshop: Experimental Pedagogies in Science, Technology and Society
January 13, 2020, Bilkent University, Faculty of Engineering Organized by Emine Öncüler Yayalar (Bilkent University) and Arsev Umur Aydınoğlu (METU) Outcomes of the workshop were covered by…
#STSTURKEY2019 Exhibition: Cyborg Encounters
As part of the second gathering of STS TURKEY Science and Technology Studies Conference to be taken place at Istanbul Technical University Ayazaga Campus between September 10-12, this year's event…
#STSTURKEY2019 Conference Program (in Turkish)
The second gathering of STS TURKEY 2019 Science and Technology Studies Conference will take place at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Ayazaga Campus between 10-12 September, hosted by ITU Master…